Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word 2000's many toolbars can be powerful timesaving devices. Toolbars allow users to perform complicated functions with only one or two mouse clicks, instead of five or six. While not all toolbars are equally useful, many become part of how users type. Customizing these toolbars can make your users' typing lives even easier. The next time end users ask you how to customize their toolbars, have them follow these simple instructions.

Toolbar placement
When thinking about the toolbars, the first thing to consider is where they should appear. While many users are familiar with the bars appearing at the top of the screen, this may not work best for everyone. To move a toolbar, follow these instructions:

  1. If the toolbar is displayed at the top or bottom of the screen, move your mouse to the far left edge of the chosen toolbar. When positioned correctly, the mouse point should change into a crosshair (see Figure A). If the toolbar is displayed on the side of the screen, move the mouse to the top of the chosen toolbar (see Figure B).



Figure A

Don't click on any of the toolbar's buttons or text.



Figure B

Here's a toolbar that's located on the side of the screen.

  1. Left-click and drag the toolbar to the desired location. You may set the bar to either side, the bottom of the screen, or even in the middle of the page (see Figure C).



Figure C

This location may not be right for everyone.

Displaying the toolbars you want
Besides moving the toolbars around on the page or screen, you can also change which toolbars are shown. There are many more options than just the Standard or Formatting bars that are normally displayed.

To add or remove a toolbar:

  1. Select View from the standard toolbar, generally found at the top of the screen.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Toolbars, and a list of all available toolbars will appear (see Figure D).



Figure D

The toolbars with a check beside them are the ones that are currently displayed.

  1. To add or remove a toolbar, simply select the toolbar's name. The toolbar list will disappear, and the new toolbar will be displayed.

Remember not to go overboard with toolbars. You can easily have every available toolbar on the screen at one time, but you may not be able to see your document.

Microsoft Word 2000's many toolbars can be powerful timesaving devices. Toolbars allow users to perform complicated functions with only one or two mouse clicks, instead of five or six. While not all toolbars are equally useful, many become part of how users type. Customizing these toolbars can make your users' typing lives even easier. The next time end users ask you how to customize their toolbars, have them follow these simple instructions.

Toolbar placement
When thinking about the toolbars, the first thing to consider is where they should appear. While many users are familiar with the bars appearing at the top of the screen, this may not work best for everyone. To move a toolbar, follow these instructions:

  1. If the toolbar is displayed at the top or bottom of the screen, move your mouse to the far left edge of the chosen toolbar. When positioned correctly, the mouse point should change into a crosshair (see Figure A). If the toolbar is displayed on the side of the screen, move the mouse to the top of the chosen toolbar (see Figure B).



Figure A

Don't click on any of the toolbar's buttons or text.



Figure B

Here's a toolbar that's located on the side of the screen.

  1. Left-click and drag the toolbar to the desired location. You may set the bar to either side, the bottom of the screen, or even in the middle of the page (see Figure C).



Figure C

This location may not be right for everyone.

Displaying the toolbars you want
Besides moving the toolbars around on the page or screen, you can also change which toolbars are shown. There are many more options than just the Standard or Formatting bars that are normally displayed.

To add or remove a toolbar:

  1. Select View from the standard toolbar, generally found at the top of the screen.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Toolbars, and a list of all available toolbars will appear (see Figure D).



Figure D

The toolbars with a check beside them are the ones that are currently displayed.

  1. To add or remove a toolbar, simply select the toolbar's name. The toolbar list will disappear, and the new toolbar will be displayed.

Remember not to go overboard with toolbars. You can easily have every available toolbar on the screen at one time, but you may not be able to see your document.


Adding command buttons
There are often specific buttons that you use more regularly than others. For example, you might use the "WordArt Gallery" button and nothing else from the Drawing toolbar. Instead of displaying the entire Drawing bar, you can add this button to an existing bar.

To add specific buttons to existing toolbars:

  1. Click on View | Toolbars | Customize to display the window shown in Figure E.


Figure E

Choose the command buttons you use most.


  1. Click the Commands Tab to list the available buttons. The Categories column on the left lists the different toolbars. The Commands column on the right lists the buttons normally associated with each toolbar. Select All Commands from the Categories column to display all the buttons simultaneously.
  2. When you've found the button you wish to add, click on it with the left mouse button and drag it to the existing toolbar where you would like to add it (see Figure F).


Figure F

The WordArt Gallery button can be placed anywhere on the bar.

If you're unsure of a button's function, select the button in question and click Description (see Figure G).


Figure G

Use Description to learn what each button does.


  1. Click Close on the Customize window when you're finished adding buttons.


Arranging the command buttons

You can arrange any of the toolbar buttons while the Customize window is open. Simply click and drag the button to the desired location. Once you close the Customize window, the toolbars will return to normal operation.

Removing unwanted buttons
Now that you're familiar with adding command buttons, the process for removing them is a snap.

  1. Select View | Toolbars | Customize to display the Customize window as shown previously in Figure E.
  2. From the toolbar, click and drag the button to be removed down into the Customize window (see Figure H).


Figure H

The button is removed when you let the mouse button go.


  1. It doesn't matter where on the box you drag it. You could even pull the button down to the middle of your screen or page. The important thing is that you get the icon away from the toolbar.
  2. Click Close on the Customize window when you're finished removing buttons.

Wrapping up
By following these simple instructions, your users can customize their toolbars to meet their needs more quickly. No longer do they have to keep entire toolbars up or stare at buttons they will never use. Instead of accepting Word 2000's default settings, your users can have toolbars that are tailored to suit them.


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